
Year in Review 2022

Another year of growth behind us. You challenged us, built with us and encouraged us to improve and become better. Again.
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Hospitality empowered by technology

Hotel tech is broken

That's why we launched Rentlio Pro, a complete cloud-native hotel operating system - the product of tireless cooperation with hoteliers eager to break up with legacy systems.

Rentlio x Infinum

Rentlio x Infinum

After seven years we are no longer alone on our journey. As a stable and bootstrapped company we decided when, with whom and how much we want to accelerate. So, with Infinum as a strategic partner, a new chapter for Rentlio has begun.

Together we continue to build our vision of hospitality technology and the development of a company with global ambitions and significant local impact.
We organized the very first Croatian hotel-tech networking event and gathered a hundred hoteliers, hospitality professionals and tech partners to rethink the future of hotel technology.
Rentlio Rediscover is our way of promoting modern hospitality technology. Join us in the next episodes!
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2022 in numbers

2022 in numbers

Growth comes with challenges - we accepted them!

More than 1 billion HRK worth of reservations has been managed through Rentlio

And this is not just another number. This is the proud number of memories guests experienced in properties managed by Rentlio.


Conversations with our Customer Support were rated as Amazing.

1 426 836

More than a million reservations synced
Our always-happy-to-help team answered over 7,413 inquiries

3 minutes

Average first response time

More than 400 applicants

In 2022, the number of new colleagues who joined us exceeded the total number of people we had at the end of 2021. We plan to grow in 2023 as well!

One upgrade every week

Our goal is always the same - the best service. On average, a new upgrade was served to our users every week.
Our Net Promoter Score. According to Customer Guru-u, Apple's NPS is 47, Google's 11 and Microsoft's 45.

This clearly shows one thing - the satisfaction of our users.

99,99% uptime

Out of the 525,600 minutes in the year, Rentlio was available for 525,548 minutes.

Fun fact

During Croatia's chaotic period of conversion to the euro, Rentlio did not stop working for a single second.

925 kilometers

During the 2022 edition of the Zadar Christmas Run, Rentlio contributed not only with a donation, but joined the runners, as well. Thanks to everyone who started the race with us and helped us equip the children's room at the Zadar Hospital.

What's coming next?





We try, work, make mistakes, learn, create, and stubbornly live our vision of modern hospitality while building a global company with a strong local impact.

Thank you for another great year together!

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